Remember What Is Missing (The Infinite House)
Remember What Is Missing (The Infinite House), 2016–2019
Tiles reduced to dust
1000 × 600 cm
A vast rectangle of red dust blankets the art centre floor. In it, letters have been traced, ghostlike, to spell out Remember What Is Missing The Infinite House. This work reactivates another of the artist’s processes, which consists of collecting dust in abandoned or reconstruction sites as he walks through them. He uses this mate rial to create floor works, carpets of dust, in which the words Remember What Is Missing are legible through their absence. At Le Parvis, he produced a simple yet radical action: dismantling the roof of his house, leaving it open to be taken over by the elements and worldly events, he made his home an infinite space, permeable to temporal variations. Pulverizing the clay roof tiles signified a return to the land, to the original matter. That which previously sheltered became the territory of a personal, explorable geography. The work’s monumental dimensions correspond to the surface once covered by the roof.
Installation views, Le Parvis– Centre d’art contemporain, Tarbes, France, 2019–2020

Installation views, Le Parvis– Centre d’art contemporain, Tarbes, France, 2019–2020